One Room Challenge Week 4 – Fall 2019
Home office makeover
Shiplap and diy art ledge
Hi everyone! Last time I wrote I was still working on the shiplap and the bottom part was incomplete. Thankfully that’s done now! It took me a hot minute to get those boards up – it seems easy when you look at people doing it but I’m going to be honest – my first shiplap attempt wasn’t so smooth. I made some mistakes that i’ve learned from and I’m going to lay it all out in front of you – the good, the bad, and the ugly!

Shiplap Mistakes and What to Do Instead:
- Buy the right sized boards! If your wall is 10′ and the boards come in 8′ or 12′ sizes, go with the bigger size and cut it down to whatever length you need. DO NOT buy 8′ boards like me and get stuck with a top part and a bottom part with an ugly seam to show (still beating myself over this)
- Always buy more than you think you need! We made like ten trips to Home Depot just to pick up more shiplap. So make your measurements and buy a few more boards than that because you can always return later.
- If you do end up with seams somewhere, use spackle rather than caulking because caulking contracts and you’re always going to have to fix it in a few years (of course after you do it twice the first time round)
- If your bottom part is crooked like mine is in the above picture, get a thin strip of molding (i chose lattice trim) and just nail it on and pretend like it was never crooked in the first place 😀 OR, YOU COULD JUST AVOID ALL OF THAT BY NOT HAVING TWO PIECES TO BEGIN WITH (are you hearing my pain?)
Phew! Thankfully that’s all that went wrong with my project and I do have ways to hide my mistakes lol. When all is said and done, I’m pretty sure the bad part won’t be noticeable 😀

Onto the Art Ledge, I’m currently waiting for the glue to dry before I sand and stain it and then eventually screw it to the wall when it’s painted. Before we move on, go look at what other ORC guest participants are up to on week four!
We are down to the LAST TWO WEEKS of the One Room Challenge and I have SO much left to do!! Just say a little prayer for me and if I can’t finish on time don’t be mad, lol.
See you next week, with hopefully a painting wall and a stained art ledge and the desk in place!

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I like the art shelf! Since I’m doing an office space I’m happy to bre seeing your progress. I’m new to your blog and happy to be here!
Thank you so much for your comment, Jamala! I’m so happy you’re enjoying the updates 🙂
Once you get it painted and furnished, no one will even notice those mistakes. Great work! You’ll know for next time.
Thank you so much for the encouragement! You know what, I painted the wall today and you really can’t tell unless you know it’s there ?