Vintage Inspired Flex Room – ORC Week 1
You guys know I had been waiting for the One Room Challenge for months – I made over two whole rooms in anticipation of the event, first was my son’s tropical safari room and recently I just finished my dining room. I had initially intended on entering both these rooms for the Spring Challenge but I couldn’t wait and started on my own.
Now that the actual event crept up upon me, I decided last minute to enter my current project – our loft area which I’m turning into a multi purpose room. It will serve as a playroom for Zaki, a space to hang out with friends, and storage for my arts and crafts supplies.
When designing this room I knew I wanted to do some kind of wall treatment – fairly easy to do and has a big impact. The second thing I was certain about was the colors I wanted to work with – moody greens and terracotta with black and brass finishes.
Here is a look at my mood board for this flex room:

Here are some images of the loft as it is right now:

I’m so excited to be part of another One Room Challenge and I’d love for you to join along and follow the progress. Don’t forget to check out what other participants are up to, I’m looking forward to all the great inspiration!
See you next week!

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