One Room Challenge Week 3 Update
It is week 3 of the One Room Challenge and things are slow and steady here. I am working on a bedroom makeover and things are looking a little gloomy at the moment. If you aren’t all caught up, check out week 1 and week 2 before moving forward!
This week I found out that my bed that I had picked for the makeover will not be arriving until mid-December! I was soo disappointed to hear that and it definitely made me lose some motivation to finish the rest of the room on time. I probably won’t do a full reveal on time because the room just won’t have the same impact without the new cane bed from McGee and Co.

So that was the not so fun news. On the other hand I’ve decided to add faux wood beams to my tray ceiling along with shiplap and I’m quite excited about how that will look! Here are some inspiration photos for the look. Tell me what you like best!

Here’s where the reeded wall is at (actually I’ve finished it as we speak (not painted yet) but here’s an update on that!

I’m going over to see what everyone else is up to this week, come join me over here!

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