My Smart Kitchen – Samsung Family Hub Refrigerator
Hey guys! We have a new smart friend in the house and I cannot wait to share him with you all! We recently got the Samsung 3-Door Family Hub refrigerator and it has seriously been a game-changer. I recently chatted more about my washer and dryer and how they’ve been keeping us sane this summer so catch up on that here!

I partnered with Samsung to give this fridge as a present to our family and I kid you know, between the three of us we have each found our own ways to make this family hub our home’s center. The first thing I looked for when choosing the fridge was the storage capacity and design. Our previous fridge, also a Samsung, was 25 cu ft and the Family Hub has a larger capacity of 26.5 cu ft. I’ll take all of that extra space and make fewer trips to the grocery store especially during Covid times. Next, I decided to go with the stainless steel finish which matches the rest of my appliances and looks great with my grey cabinets.

Looks aside, the biggest selling point of this refrigerator for my family has been the Family Hub screen which has changed the way we use our kitchen. From grocery lists to meal planning, and even ordering groceries from Insta Cart can all be done from our fridge. You should have seen Zaki’s face when he found out he could draw on the new refrigerator!! I mean, the Family Hub is my new babysitter you guys!

Another cool thing is that I can play my favorite music or listen to my podcasts while doing the dishes or prepping dinner – we were planning on getting bluetooth speakers but now we don’t need to!

It also comes with a 10 year warranty and it’s quite literally made our lives so much more organized and efficient. I would absolutely recommend the Samsung Family Hub Refrigerator to anyone who’s in the market for a new 3- door fridge! It’s pretty much my favorite thing in the house right now and I’m sure you and your family will love it just as much as I do!

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